Hearing at the Flemish parliament about digitalisation and robotisation
In the field of politics, the university and the business world, many debates have dealt with the future of industry in Flanders. Especially because today the “Industry 4.0” project (also called “Digitalization”) is on our doorstep.
Disaster is displaced, but being aware of the transition is of prime importance. Gathering knowledge on this subject is an important task of our public authorities. This is why our administrator Geert Roelens was asked to present his vision of this development at a Hearing of the Labor and Economy Committee of the Flemish Parliament.
That within SGC – SwitchGear Company spectacular advances have been made in this area has been illustrated by Geert relying on the interview of our CEO Sophie Vandoorne. The challenges of the future cannot be ignored by SGC and we will continue on the basis of the “Industry 4.0” project, because this is guarantying that there more chances for a prosperous future.