Hearing at the Flemish parliament
Hearing at the Flemish parliament about digitalisation and robotisation
In the field of politics, the university and the business world, many debates have dealt with the future of industry in Flanders. Especially because today the “Industry 4.0” project (also called “Digitalization”) is on our doorstep.
Disaster is displaced, but being aware of the transition is of prime importance. Gathering knowledge on this subject is an important task of our public authorities. This is why our administrator Geert Roelens was asked to present his vision of this development at a Hearing of the Labor and Economy Committee of the Flemish Parliament.
That within SGC – SwitchGear Company spectacular advances have been made in this area has been illustrated by Geert relying on the interview of our CEO Sophie Vandoorne. The challenges of the future cannot be ignored by SGC and we will continue on the basis of the “Industry 4.0” project, because this is guarantying that there more chances for a prosperous future.
Broadcast on “medium voltage solutions” – 09/09 till 11/09.
On Saturday, September 9th, the broadcast on “medium voltage solutions” will be broadcasted on Channel Z from 11h55. This program will be available until Monday, September 11th.
Enjoy watching!
Recording by Channel Z for the TV program "Alle zaken op een rijtje" (A look behind the curtain of the life of Belgian companies)
Recording by Channel Z for the TV program “Alle zaken op een rijtje”
On Tuesday August 22 we welcomed a team of Channel Z for the recording of the program “Alle zaken op een rijtje” (a look behind the curtain of the life of Belgian companies). The program related to the medium voltage cubicles will be shown from Saturday 09/09 until Monday 09/11.
Presentation WHITE PAPER @ TEMCA* Forum & Exhibition - 18-19 August 2017.
Presentation WHITE PAPER @ TEMCA* Forum & Exhibition – 18-19 August 2017
* Thai Electrical & Mechanical Contractors Association
SGC switchgear compatible with real service conditions – solutions that address on-site conditions
Extensive research shows that the design of SGC’s medium voltage switchgear results in a very long lifetime of our medium voltage cubicles under real and severe service conditions.
Where the IEC standards prescribes tests under controlled laboratory conditions, does SGC goes many steps further, including higher temperatures, higher temperature fluctuations and more humidity. This in combination with our cabin monitor which measures all on-site conditions, ensures more operational reliability.
Despite the choice of the switchgear design and the on-site conditions, accidents or failures cannot be ruled out, but by using our SV-25 Arc Killer the impact of such an accident or failure can be significantly reduced and the safety of the operator can be guaranteed.
Company visit of the Community school of Nevele
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Company visit of the Community school of Nevele
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Yesterday afternoon, pupils of the 4th degree of the Community School of Nevele visited our medium voltage site at Nevele. After a short presentation associated to a quiz, the pupils had the opportunity, by means of scientific games as the Tesla spheres and the electrical path, to learn on a playful way the basics of electricity. After a short pause, the kids visited the medium voltage museum and the production hall of SGC.
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More "operational excellence" due to a gravity roller conveyor.
More “operational excellence” due to a gravity roller conveyor.
A gravity roller conveyor (2 x 15 m) with a fire-resistant gate has been installed between SGC – SwitchGear Company and installation company Deba. This energy less and environment-conscious double roller conveyor offers the space for 22 europalettes.
This investment insures an operational excellence and fits on this way in our lean culture. Only the SGC warehouse responsible is deciding when the delivery may take place and only SGC is able to operate the gate. This ensures that no one of Deba is required during this process.
Seminar Multiprox: RFID Inspiration Session (Radio Frequence IDentification)
Advantages and applications of RFID as part of Industry 4.0
On November 8th, a free of charge half-day seminar from Turck Multiprox took place at SGC in Nevele. The session was a joint initiative of Turck Multiprox, SwitchGear Company, De Roeve IT and Toshiba TEC Belgium Imaging Systems.
More than 30 people witnessed the presentations of the companies and got informed about the way to optimize their quality control, how to improve the logistics flow and how to prevent fraudulent copying of their machinery.
The visit of the functional RFID installation at SGC was especially very positively received. Due to this, SGC knows at any time the location of every single product in the production process.
Click here to view some photos of our participation to the RFID Inspiration Session.
SGC - SwitchGear Company at the EP China 2016 exhibition
SGC - SwitchGear Company at the EP China 2016 exhibition
China International Exhibition Centre, Beijing, PR China
From 2 to 4 November, you can visit SGC - SwitchGear Company on the EP China exhibition. This exhibition takes place at the China International Exhibition Centre in Beijing.
Established in 1986, the EP China exhibition is organized by the most authoritative organization, China Electricity Council, and fully supported by all major Power Group Corporations and Power Grid Corporations. With a successful track record and experience of 30 years, it has become the largest and the most reputable electric power exhibition endorsed by UFI Approved Event in China and has been widely recognized by global market leaders and international trade associations.
With annual rotation in Beijing and Shanghai in alternate years, EP China & Electrical 2016 takes place again at China International Exhibition Centre from 2-4 November 2016 in Beijing. In total 8 exhibition halls are used, where you can find 900 exhibitors and brands from all over the world.
At our booth, visitors will be able to discover our medium voltage switchgear from 10kv to 24kv. User-friendliness, safety and care for the environment are the main drive for developing SGC’s switchgear. Our mission is to safeguard the personal safety of the operators of our products.
The SGC switchgears are also perfectly designed to withstand in extreme circumstances, such as extreme cold, extreme heat, acidity and humidity. In some African countries for example, extreme heat temperatures forced to open some parts of the switchgear installation in order to insure ventilation. The security of the operator and of the surrounding is as such endangered. SGC offers solutions for all sort of applications, but safety for the operator en the environment comes always at first place.
Come and visit our booth: HALL 1B - 1LI5
SwitchGear Company of Nevele wins "Most Promising Manufacturer" award
SwitchGear Company of Nevele is a future-oriented and innovative producer of medium voltage switchgear. SGC received this Thursday evening in the “Handelsbeurs” of Ghent the title of “Most Promising Manufacturer”
This new price has been created on the common initiative of the employers organization “Unizo” and DHL Express, who wants to offer the manufacturing industry an attractive forum in Belgium and to underline the importance of sustainable and innovative businesses for our economy. (…)
SwitchGear Company (SGC), which as most promising manufacturing company came out of the box, is sweeping the world market as producer of medium voltage switchgear; SGC is a fast growing Belgian company that invests a lot of time in Research & Development to better serve the customers. The company exports worldwide to customers in Europe, Africa, Oceania and America. Furthermore they are working with a virtual showroom to explain their product. At the time, the company is particularly active in South America, Australia, Russia and Chad. As the SGC products are approved according to the international IEC standards, the world is wide open for this manufacturing company.
“Thanks to manufacturing companies, our economy can grow and local prosperity is created” says Karel Van Eetvelt, CEO of Unizo.”Therefore we should not only nourish our existing manufacturing companies, we also have to offer a support to the new startups in the manufacturing sector. Unizo committed them to do so”